Instructors & Consultants

Naidoo Ram
Consultant / Instructor
Ram was born on the island of Mauritius where he lived and grew up until he was 18 years old as a bi-lingual, speaking and writing English and French fluently.
Passionate about aviation from a young age, Ram started his aviation career as an avionics trainee back in 1970 after moving to the UK. After working for 30 years in Part-145 aviation maintenance, Ram transitioned to aviation training, which he has been teaching since 2004. He also acts as an independent auditor.
Ram’s free time consists mainly of trekking though forests and mountains, and he also enjoys jogging and gardening.
Experience & Specialised Skills
Line and Base Maintenance engineer
Aviation Engineering Maintenance Management
Part 145/147 and CAMO
UK CAA/JAA/EASA Full Cat B2 Licence (Lapsed)
University Undergraduate BSc (Hons) and master’s MSc
Industry courses-Boeing Airbus type course
Train the Trainer
English & French
TrainingsPart 66 Basic Modules
GenFam Boeing and Airbus aircrafts
Part 145 & CAMO Courses
“Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young. The greatest thing in life is to keep your mind staying young” – Henry Ford